Sizning suv idishingiz yoki shampun idishingiz qanday yaratilganligini hech o'ylab ko'rganmisiz? Ular shunday mashina tomonidan ishlab chiqarilganligi: ekstrusion puflash mashinasi. Xuddi shu mashina issiq eritilgan plastmassani shishalarga va yana ko'p narsalarni hosil qiladi. Shunday qilib, Feige Youlian Machinery qanday qilib sho'ng'ilsin ekstrusion kalıplama mashinasi works. A lot of different pieces make up extrusion blow molding machines and they all must work together to produce the items. You see, first the put plastic pellets like these tiny bits of plastic into a box. As you can see from the close up, these plastic pellets heat to form a thick soup and flow like water. A pressure-based method then pushes the melted plastic through a tube called an extruder.
As the melted plastic exits at the end of extruder, it forms a seamless tube. They put this polythene tube on a mold, which is also kind of the hollow shape that shows you how and what can be manufactured. If they are making a water bottle, then the molds will be made in the shape of that. They then blow air into the tube. The mold is opened and the compressed air expands to take up its shape in a water bottle. When the plastic cools down and turns to its solid state, it will be taken out of the mold as a shaped object ready for use. History of Extrusion Blow Molding There was once a time where producing any sort of plastic product with machines seemed like an arduous labor taking up much resources. The workmen had to employ a large number of formalities as well as physical exercise. This led to slow production and labor insensitivity. But that was changed for good with Extrusion Blow Molding Machines?
The amazing thing is that thanks to these machines today, manufacturers can churn out hundreds of same plastic item in a couple minutes. That’s right. Within just a few minutes, they can have created several instances of the item ripe for consumption. The machines are in addition very safe when compared to the older outfit so that makes them easier for participants. As a result, the workers can produce more items and not get tired or injured in any way... which is great. Summing Up, Extrusion Blow Molding has given many benefits, easier operations and faster production than ever. There are numerous benefits one can acquire with the use of extrusion blow molding machines in producing plastic objects.
Cost-effective – In comparison to the production costs, businesses pay considerably less for manufacturing. The reason is that extrusion blow molding is relatively inexpensive way of fabricating plastic products. So, it is mainly the minimal machines which does cost heavily and with too much of inventory. High-quality products — if the plastic was melted just right, with no impurities in it at all, then you can be sure that the final product will not have any flaws. Also, you will have a durable product for long-term use. Great for the customer experience. Versatile- A blending of numerous plastic containers are created by utilizing expelling blow forming and mobbed can be not many so on. They have the ability to make products like bottles for shampoo, car parts and many more. Environmentally safe (needs almost zero material, so less production waste.) Nature likes it when you reuse plastic. That is a benefit of most types to be reusable. As a result, it is an excellent choice for the oxidation reaction.
Ekstrusion puflash mashinalarining rivojlanishi texnologik taraqqiyot bilan bog'liq. Ishlab chiqaruvchilar har yili o'zlarining so'nggi qurilmalarida ba'zi yangi xususiyatlarni olib kelishadi. Yangi avlod mashinalari plastmassa harorati va bosimini nazorat qila oladigan kompyuter tizimlarini ham o'z ichiga olishi mumkin. Bundan g'azablanish ularga yanada kuchliroq tovarlarga ruxsat berishni rad etadi.
Boshqa bir qator hayajonli biologik parchalanish bilan bog'liq plastik echimlar. Va nihoyat, ekstrusion puflash mashinalari ushbu qoidani buzish uchun dadil qadam tashlamoqda: agar sizga endi kerak bo'lmasa, u holda tabiatga zarar etkazmaydi. Birinchi marta ishlab chiqaruvchilar nafaqat yuqori sifatli, balki atrof-muhitga zarar etkazmaydigan mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqishlari mumkin edi.
Qaysi turdagi plastik mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqarish kerakligidan kelib chiqqan holda, ishlab chiqaruvchi uchun ekstrusion puflash mashinalari maqbuldir. Shunday qilib, bu Feige Youlian Machinery qanday zarba kalıplama mashinasi mahsulotingizni yaxshilashga yordam beradi.
Mustahkamlik: Ekstrusion puflash mashinasidan keladigan har bir element aniq standartlashtirilgan. Bu shuni anglatadiki, material bitta maydonga quyilganligi sababli, har bir element bir-biriga o'xshash ko'rinadi. U yaxshi niyatni saqlab qolish uchun brendni yaratadi yoki buzadi.
Aniqlik - Ushbu mashina tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan narsalar inson ishlariga qaraganda ancha aniqroq. Feige Youlian Machinery puflash mashinasi ishlab chiqaruvchilari tovar miqdorini tarqatish uchun o'rnatilishi mumkin. Bu ko'plab sanoat tarmoqlari uchun muhimdir.
Onlayn xizmat: savdo menejerlari 24 soat onlayn bo'lib, mijozlarga eng tez javob berishadi. Mahsulotlarimiz bilan bog'liq savollaringiz bo'lsa, iltimos, murojaat qiling. Patent sertifikatlari: Faygo Plast sakkizta ixtiro patentini o'z ichiga olgan 13 ta milliy patentga ega. Mijozlarga eng ilg'or texnologiyalarni taqdim etish uchun ekstrusion puflash mashinamiz buyurtmasini doimiy ravishda takomillashtirmoqda. Mahsulotimiz Idoralar va ISO sertifikatiga ega.
FAYGO UNION GROUP hozirda Buyuk Britaniya, Ispaniya Germaniya, Norvegiya Shveytsariya Italiya Turkiya Rossiya kabi turli mamlakatlarda 500 dan ortiq mijozlarga ega. Evropadan Amerika, Kanada, Meksika, Braziliya, Venesuela, Chilly va boshqalar Amerikadan Saudiya Arabistoni, Eron, Suriya, Hindiston, Tailand, Indoneziya va boshqalar Osiyodan, shuningdek, Afrikadan ko'p sonli Ekstrusion puflash mashinasi. Zhangjiagang shahrida joylashgan zavod. U 26,650 XNUMX kvadrat metr maydonni egallaydi. SHANGHAI xalqaro aeroportiga bor-yo'g'i ikki soatlik yo'l bor.
Chiqarishni oshirish(ikki barobar) Aylanma yumshoq uzluksiz yuklashni amalga oshiradi. yumshoqroq yumshoq harakat bilan bosqichma-bosqich o'rniga uzluksiz yugurishni amalga oshiring. Nomaqbul idishlar sonini kamaytiring. Faqat ikkita isitish qutisi, har bir isitish boshi masofasi 38.1 mm gacha bo'lgan ekstrusion puflash mashinasi an'anaviyga qaraganda 30% ko'proq elektr energiyasini, taxminan 130000 kVt soat elektr energiyasini qisqartirishi mumkin. Shunday qilib, kuniga sakkiz soatdan iborat bo'lgan yil davomida u faqat isitish quvvati uchun 20000 AQSh dollarini tejashi mumkin edi; 100 dan ortiq davlatlar o'z sheriklari sifatida mening kompaniyamning xizmat ko'rsatish guruhini tanlaydilar.
FAYGO UNION GROUP 3 ta filialdan iborat. FAYGOBLOW PET, PE boshqa materiallar uchun puflash mashinasi ishlab chiqaruvchisi. FAYGOBLOW beshta ixtiro va 8 ta foydali model patentining egasidir. FAYGO PET puflash mashinasi dunyodagi eng tez samarali ekstrusion puflash mashinasidir. ikkinchi ishlab chiqarish korxonasi - FAYGOPLAST. plastik ekstruziya mashinalarini ishlab chiqaradi, masalan, plastmassa quvurlardan yasalgan ekstruding liniyalari va plastmassa profillarni ekstruding qiladi. Xususan, FAYGOPLAST 40 m/s gacha tezlikda PPR va PE quvurlarini taklif qilishi mumkin.
Mualliflik huquqi © JiangSu Faygo Union Machinery Co., Ltd Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan. Maxfiylik siyosati