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pvc pipe production line

Have you ever given a thought how do they manufacture the PVC pipes which are used in plumbing, drainage and electrical communication? Come join this wonderland Let us together solve the complex juggling required to manufacture PVC pipes.

Exsposed: Manufacture of PVC Pipe

The PVC Compound Making Machine is the core of every (PVC) pipe and cable making plant. When form association of PVC sap with other additional items like stabilizers, plasticizer and effect modifiers. This material is then extracted with great care and plugged into an extrusion machine, which essentially works like a magical black box.

They literally iron the PVC compound over yonder And then oh-so-gently push it with a ram onto An units Applique, still at via 250 degrees. This particular die is machined to the production pipe requirements profile. Most importantly, will the pipe continue to function over time and as you can see from our drawing of one way PVC pipe is made neither mold can be removed without a co-coordinated cooling system or else it both fails at once.

After the extrusion is complete, pipes are guided to a moulding process where it can be sized. It just 100% in house machining process so no dependency come because fully managed from our end we use sizes sleeve to choose number of the stacks of pipes then give this stack into Semi automatic band saw machine cut each pipe with same length. Furthermore, these perfect cut pipes are stacked and transported to clients who hold up in the war room for it.

Why choose Feige Youlian Machinery pvc pipe production line?

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